A new way to buy carbon credits from a trusted source.

Meet your net-zero goals with the American Forest Foundation and the Family Forest Carbon Program by participating in the first U.S. nature-based carbon credit auction.

Through our carbon credit auction, buyers and investors will be able to make catalytic investments to secure high-quality carbon credits through long-term partnership agreements to meet their climate targets.

A trusted national nonprofit, the American Forest Foundation is committed to being fully transparent in our pricing and the volume availability of future-generated, high-quality carbon credits. Our advanced platform, in fact, is specially designed to be straightforward and clear, minimizing the transactional friction and time it takes to assess opportunities from the get go.

Our auction will take place in early 2025. Details to come. At this time, we suggest that you request access to the auction site so that you don’t miss a thing.

High-Integrity Carbon Credits

The Family Forest Carbon Program was developed by two national nonprofits, the American Forest Foundation and The Nature Conservancy, to help family forest owners implement sustainable forest management practices that result in healthier forests and increased carbon storage. Our program provides a transparent, high-integrity approach to forest carbon projects in the voluntary carbon market — ensuring meaningful and measurable impact.

Support for Rural Communities

It’s a win-win. Make a catalytic investment in the fight against climate change by investing in rural communities. The Family Forest Carbon Program partners with America’s family forest owners to activate the potential of our family forests. The program provides financial and technical resources to landowners to improve the health and value of their land for the long haul.

Want more information?

For more information about the American Forest Foundation’s carbon credit auction, please contact Memorie English, AFF’s senior manager of environmental markets, at menglish@forestfoundation.org.